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Earl Burnley/Paulo de Almada/Gabe Dunne/Mark Kudsi/Vi Nguyen/Kirk Shintani, designers
Kaan Atilla/Jesús de Francisco, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners/Stacy Milrany, art directors
Will Elliot, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, writer
Rick Condos/Hunter Hindman, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, associate creative directors
Mathew Cullen/John Norman, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, creative directors
Daniel Chang/Carm Goode/Joseph Hart/Ryan Wallace, illustrators
Motion Theory, director
Hilary Bradley, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, agency producer
Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, ad agency
Hewlett-Packard, client
The complications of everyday life whimsically simplify in 'It Consolidates,' a :30 HP spot that communicates the power of the company's newest enterprise server. Motion Theory pulled off some heavy consolidating of its own, seamlessly integrating conventional production with motion control, stop-motion animation and illustration. Over the course of the spot, a tangle of freeways becomes a unified highway, a messy cubicle cleans itself, a chaotic office folds into its most organized form and more. The runaway consolidation ends in the server room, where the HP enterprise server tames an unruly tangle of server wires. Illustration infuses the spot with a lighthearted tone, giving the sense that the consolidating power of the HP server extends well beyond everyday technology, and brings business chaos under control.

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