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Zahra Al-harazi/Kylie Henry, designers
Mel Woytiuk, writer
Zahra Al-harazi, creative director
Kylie Henry, typography
Ric Kokotovich, photographer
Tammy Cote, project director
Blanchette Press, production company
Foundry Creative Inc., design firm
Immigrant Services Calgary, client
Immigrant Services Calgary was in need of a voice that would be heard from among hundreds of nonprofit organizations competing for capital—both financial and human. This annual report became the voice of the people behind this amazing organization. 24-page self-cover, inner-book, 11 x 17, 24-page plus cover, outer-book, 7 ½ x 9, images printed as 2 blacks, 1 metallic tint black, cool grey 9 and matte varnish, saddle-stitched.

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