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Vanessa Eckstein/Patricia Kleeberg, designers
Vanessa Eckstein, creative director
Michael Faye, photographer
Blok Design, design firm
Moxie Pictures, client
Moxie Films (US) produced a successful documentary called Uneven Fairways, celebrating African Americans who fought prejudice and segregation for the right to play golf at the highest level. The director wanted to follow this with a book featuring portraits, of the legendary golfers, by Nike photographer Michael Faye. We developed the title, PAR, for its two meanings: the strokes a golfer needs to complete a hole and the struggle to be on par or equal. The design is bold, befitting the players, and showcases the intimacy of the portraits. 104 pages, 10 5/8 x 12 3/4, perfect-bound, 3-color (2 blacks and 1 grey for depth of image), die-cut cover.

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