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Brian Gartside, designer
Juan Carlos Pagan, lead designer
DDB New York, design/ad agency
Rodrigo de Castro/Joao Unzer, art directors
Aron Fried/Carlos Wigle, associate creative directors
Menno Kluin, executive creative director
Matt Eastwood, chief creative officer
Rami Niemi, illustrator
Carol Brandwein/Jane Piampiano, art buyers
The Art Directors Club, client
The Art Directors Annual 91, published in December, 2012, encourages creatives in every discipline to ‘keep fighting the good fight,’ the theme established in the call for entries by DDB as a nod to the pain and suffering endured on the path to creating great work. In the annual, we call out the unique obstacles each medium deals with via our colorful, illustrated page dividers because, in the end, acknowledgement and an ADC Cube make it all worthwhile.” 274 pages, 4-color.

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