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Aaron Stephenson, designer
Brian Gartside, senior designer
Juan Carlos Pagan, design director
Frank Cartagena/Sam Shepherd, associate creative directors
Andrew McKechnie, group creative director
Menno Kluin, executive creative director
Matt Eastwood, chief creative officer
Kyle McMorrow, editor
Ralph Navarro/Ed Zazzera, production managers
Nina Horowitz, producer
DDB New York, ad agency
WATERisLIFE, client

The Drinkable Book is a life-saving tool that not only educates readers about safe water practices, but also is printed on technologically advanced filter paper, capable of preventing the spread of waterborne diseases. The pages, infused with silver nanoparticles, kill 99.99 percent of deadly bacteria. Each filter can purify one month of an adult’s water supply, which means that each book can provide someone with clean water for up to four years.”


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