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Rory O'Sullivan, art director/illustrator
Jordan Cohen, writer
Ian Grais/Chris Staples, creative directors
Chris Nielsen, director of photography
Chris Serravalle, music
Annelies McConnachie-Howarth/Laura Rioux, broadcast producers
Rethink, ad agency
Langara College, client
For the past two years, the video for the Rethink Scholarship at Langara College has doubled as a call-for-entries and an inspirational resource for anyone in a creative field. With over 800,000 views and tweets from social media heavy hitters like Ashton Kutcher, we knew this year's video had big shoes to fill. So for 2011 we matched creative tips with classic typographic design to inspire applicants and professionals. Produced in-house at Rethink with blood, sweat and a modest budget, the video shows that we all have the tools to be creative—you just have to look around.

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