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Stephen Knowles, illustrator
Robert Frost/Michele Raso, McCann Erickson, New York, group creative directors
Joyce King Thomas, McCann Erickson, New York, chief creative officer
Artem, 3-D modeling
Christian Bevilacqua, director
Marcus Domleo, director of photography
Al Sinclair, Swordfish, editor
Tim Rudgard, voice talent
Barry Hughes, Therapy Films/Sharon Young, Golden Square, producers
Minnie Tran, McCann Erickson, New York, agency producer
Jonathan Shipman, McCann Erickson, New York, executive agency producer
Golden Square, visual effects company
McCann Erickson, New York, ad agency
MasterCard International, client
Seven Wonders of the World "A chance to win a trip to see all seven wonders of the world through Priceless Search. For the past ten years, MasterCard has celebrated the priceless things in life. In year eleven, the campaign went one step further; instead of merely celebrating these moments, MasterCard became the enabler of priceless experiences, by rewarding everyday consumers with truly priceless experiences. Through television, ghosted print, ambient media, viral videos, online banners and a microsite, consumers were asked if they were searching for the priceless things in life."

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