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Georgia Tribuiani/Zoe Wishart/Velwyn Yossy, Psyop, illustrators
Kendra Ryan/Dylan Spears, animators
Magnus Hierta/Kylie Matulick/Todd Mueller/David Muhlenfeld, creative directors
Jorge Calleja, group creative director
Joe Alexander, chief creative officer
Kim Stevenson, colorist
Brett Nicoletti, editor
David Muhlenfeld, music
Fritz Doddy, music composer
Elias Arts, sound designer
Shannon Alexander, producer
Brian Carmody/Steve Humble/Allison Kunzman/Patrick Milling Smith/Luisa Murray/Lisa Rich/Kala Sherman, executive producers
Caroline Helms, associate broadcast producer
Heather Tanton, broadcast producer
Kathy Lippincott, senior broadcast producer
Steve DeVore, production company producer
Chloe Bos, project manager
Psyop, animation company
Smuggler, production company
The Martin Agency, ad agency
Mondelez International, Oreo, client
“Bedtime” :60 “Wonder if a little girl gave an Oreo to her Dad—would he let her stay up past bedtime? Created for Father’s Day, this spot combines film, animation and a new arrangement of the Oreo Wonderfilled song to show us the role Oreo can play in bringing people closer.”

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