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Nessim Higson, art director/design director
Destin Young, OurviceOurvice, programmer
IAAH, project design and development

"A cornucopia of design and a diary for the 21st century. I felt like I was rummaging through a very interesting, and interested, person's belongings." —juror Keith Anderson

"With a certain disorder that feels appropriate for the subject, this fluid and engaging portfolio site feels fresh and alive." —juror David Young

Overview: This arresting portfolio site uses algorithms to ensure that no two visits are ever the same. The colors of the backgrounds and images dynamically shift and adjust to one another, so that the featured projects always appear to their best advantage.

• Accessible, arrow-based navigation options
• XML-driven content
• 162MB total file size

Comments by Nessim Higson:
"IAAH/iamalwayshungry was created over instant messenger, with exorbitant amounts of caffeine and 2,278 miles separating me and, the programmer, Destin Young. The site concept was structured around the idea of 'dynamic abstraction.' Through the use of algorithms, various aspects of the site change with each visit; the end goal was to create a truly unique experience from person-to-person and visit-to-visit.

"Instead of creating a new site every year or two, the structure is flexible and dynamic and houses a variety of work that's archived and accessible by anyone who visits. Accessibility was of high importance. Both Destin and I are fond of redundant navigation—and layering. Given the Web's ability to showcase transparency and unique layering, why not take advantage of it?"


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