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Todd Levin, DraftFCB NY, writer
Simon Frankart/Theo Gennitsacis/Alexandre Pascual, DraftFCB Paris, graphic designers
Luke Bailey, DraftFCB Paris/Ludovic Clamens/Ryan Gerber, DraftFCB NY, creative directors
James Genero, DraftFCB NY, information architect
Ben Lequertier, DraftFCB Paris/John Swartz, DraftFCB NY, project managers
DraftFCB Paris, project design and development
DraftFCB, ad agency
Robert Ting, Motorola, client

"A very rare combination of brilliant creativity and technical sophistication. The brand is shown in a playful and unobtrusive way which appeals to me as a consumer." —juror Vas Sloutchevsky

"The site, like phone styles and colors, allows users to express themselves through color and design in a unique way. If anyone has seen a teal phone laying around, it’s mine." —juror Jeff Benjamin

Overview: This engaging microsite offers an homage to color and serves as a canvas for self-expression. By selecting one of ten Motorola product colors, users can create a piece of art by interacting with the cursor and finding secret keyboard shortcuts.

• 10 colors
• 23 featured phones
• XML-based configuration system for maintenance and updates

comments by Luke Bailey:
"Cell phones are the new sneakers. Everybody has one and the choice of cell phone speaks volumes about the user. This self expression was further extended when Motorola introduced of a full range of gorgeous, color phones.

"We worked with our office in Paris to bring the idea of color expression to life. Admittedly, we didn't always understand what was being said on the conference calls, but as it turns out, we didn't have to—the work says it all. Simple, powerful and engaging.

"When we launched the site it was without a media plan. But the site just took off. Design blogs everywhere were talking it up, big time. In the first week or so, it received over 500,000 hits. "The Parisians were happy. New York was happy, The client was happy. Tres bonne."


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