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Vincent Bernard, art director
Luc Du Sault, writer/creative director
Marc Rivest, graphic designer
Catherine Darius/Alexandre Pascal Lamoureux, Touché! PHD, strategic planners
Marc Couture, Marc Couture Photographe, photographer
Richard Cayouette, producer
Christine Larouche, project manager
lg2, project design and development
Pierre Lafleur/Marco Thibault, Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Capitale-Nationale, clients

Launch Site

"Who knew you could save a life at a bus stop. An excellent execution that breathes life into an industry in a personal way." —juror Michael Potts

"A simple, straightforward way to get people interested in the subject and so elegant that it doesn't require explanation." —juror Kim Rees

Overview: Part of the Ministry of Health and Social Services "Sauve des Vies" (Save Lives) campaign to raise interest in health and social welfare careers, these bus shelter displays, placed near high schools, helped get young people's attention and increase traffic to the website. The transit boards show a man on a hospital bed with an electrocardiogram monitor, incorporated into it that enabled people to see and hear that the man had no heartbeat. By pressing a “push here” sign, and essentially doing CPR on the man’s chest, people could resuscitate him and make his heart beat again.

• The project took ten people two-and-a-half months to complete.
• Since temperatures can dip as low as -30° Celsius in Québec in February, electrical equipment was installed inside the bus shelters to protect the equipment from the cold weather.
• During the two-week bus shelter campaign, traffic on the campaign site jumped from an average of 250 to 400 visits per day.

Comments by Luc Du Sault:
Is the audience you were targeting a particularly difficult one to reach? "Yes, our target audience, high school students, is very difficult to reach because they're bombarded with messages. We had to come up with something new, and interesting, to get their attention."

How did your relationship with the client evolve over the course of the project? "When working on a unique project like this, you have to have a solid relationship of trust with the client. That trust is what enabled us to complete the project and get the best possible result. The project not only enjoyed widespread exposure and acclaim among our target audience and the healthcare industry but the communications sector also took note of it and sang its praises."


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