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Randy Diaz, art director
Borja Eizmendi/Willy Fernández-Lomana, writers
Studiofreak, 3-D animator
Álvaro Ramos, creative director
Javier Fuentes, executive creative director
Gustavo Lauria, chief creative officer
Jaime Dávila, strategy
Greg Leuch, programmer
Brian Anderson/Alberto Ferrer, producers
The Vidal Partnership, project design and development
Heineken USA/Daniel Mandelbaum, clients

Launch Site

"The Fever Keeper idea provided a truly valuable tool to American soccer fans. If only we'd had this during the Olympics too." —juror Madison Wharton Marks

"Innovative and engaging interactions bring true service and utility to passionate soccer fans." —juror Scott Prindle

Overview: Heineken, as an official sponsor of the UEFA Champions League, wanted to engage with all of the soccer fans in the US while improving their game-viewing experience. But there was a problem: the time difference. The games are transmitted live in Europe while fans in the US are at work, which means no games, no friends and no Heineken. Keep it Legendary moved fans over to beer consumption time with a set of tools that enabled Heineken drinkers to shift the viewing time so they could enjoy the UEFA Champions League the way it's meant to be—after work, with their friends and beer. 

The Fever Keeper browser add-on, when activated, blocked all Champions League content so fans didn't find out what happened in the games until they were ready to enjoy them later. 

The project garnered 133,000,000 non-paid worldwide impressions, over 65,000 websites were blocked and more than 5,000 events were organized by fans. 

Comments by Gustavo Lauria and Marco Vega:
Are there any features you'd like to call attention to? "The Fever Keeper browser add-on read web content, compared it to a centralized database of terms and then displayed any matching terms inside a band of Heineken green. The list of terms included in the database was extensive, which meant that it was very difficult for the tool to be as fast as we needed it to be. The fact that it worked fast enough for the content to be blocked before the eye could react to what was on the screen was simply amazing. Also, we created the database so it blocked the terms related to the games that were being played on a specific day so if, for example, Real Madrid wasn't playing, the tool wouldn't block the content related to that team. We finally made it happen; it worked smoothly and fast."

Was there a viral component that was successful? "The use of a new technology helped solve a real-life problem. It was fun to see the tool work and people wanted to share the news. We created and branded a tool for something many fans were already doing: Suspending the match until they could enjoy it properly. No other brand had done it."


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