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Eliza Fitzhugh/Claire Niederberger/Yoana Wiman, graphic designers
Daniel Rodriguez, interactive designer
Daniel Fouad/Elle White, 3-D designers
Zak Greene, developer
Keith Madden, interactive developer
Leah Kasell, project manager
Jonathan Alger, principal
C&G Partners, design firm
The Advisory Board Company, client
The Advisory Board Company (ABC) is a leading global consulting group in healthcare and education. ABC commissioned C&G Partners along with architects SmithGroup JJR to design and program a new 7,400-square-foot member space in Washington, DC. The Curtain of Names welcomes guests to the space. Thousands of translucent rods form a shimmering curtain. Each rod shows a single client's name. A nearby touch directory matches institutions to numbered wires, corresponding to an underlying database. The curtain, touch interface and database are all built to enable expansion as more members join.

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