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Anthony Chelvanathan, art director
Steve Persico, writer
Lisa Greenberg/Judy John, creative directors
Anthony Chelvanathan/Steve Persico, group creative directors
Judy John, chief creative officer
Viktor Cahoj, director of photography
Moe Ismail, assistant editor
Izzy Ehrlich, editor
Alter Ego/Fort York VFX, online editors
Rooster Post Production, editorial company
Nathan Hardy, music composer
The Eggplant, music company
Angie Bird, director
Niamh Barry/Lisa Hart/Julie McIlroy, planners
Tricia Hagoriles/Melissa Kahn/Amanda Lariviere/Ernie Mordak, producers
Rocco Gagliese/Nicola Treadgold, music producers
Franca Piacente, executive agency producer
Shasta Lutz/Michelle Woodward, production company producers
Liz Dussault/Harland Weiss, executive directors of production
OPC/Family Style, production company
M&K Media, media agency
Leo Burnett Toronto, ad agency
Raising the Roof, client
"Humans for Humans" :60
"Most people have little compassion for the homeless and see them as an annoyance or inconvenience. The homeless aren't seen as human beings or treated as human beings. Raising the Roof launched Humans for Humans, a campaign to break the myths, give the homeless a voice, and present a human side to homelessness. We borrowed from the social phenomenon of people reading mean tweets about themselves. Real mean tweets about homelessness, read by people experiencing homelessness."

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