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Matt Sorrell, art director
Jessica Coulter, writer
Chris Beresford-Hill/Dan Lucey, creative directors
David Lubars, chief creative officer
Nick Divers, editor/director
Wendall Hanes, Volition, music composer
Casey Adams/JD Michaels, agency producers
Melissa Chester, agency music producer
Anthony Curti, executive agency producer
Volition, music company
BBDO New York, ad agency
Foot Locker, client
"For back to school, Foot Locker showed NBA star James Harden embarking on a career as a hip-hop artist. Thus, 'Harden Soul' was born. We released the track on iTunes, created a music video, dropped a Stephen Curry response song and video, and sent a Harden USB drive with splits to DJs. Harden became a trending topic on Twitter with no paid media, thanks to what is the best bad song ever."

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