“Beautiful illustrations, subtitled narration and subtle motion make it easy to forget that you are simply at a movie site. Clever narrative leads you through the world of Joh-Won—the Asian version of Don Juan.”—juror Craig Swann
“This site is visually interesting, the imagery is compelling and has just the right amount of content. It makes me want to see the film.” —juror Bryan Finke
Overview: Promoted by three of Korea’s most famous actors, this site played an important role in the promotion and marketing of the movie—especially to a younger Internet generation.
• Effective use of stills and audio
• 140 files totaling 118MB
• 70,000 visitors per day
• 35 days, 6 people
Comments by Euna Seol and Jungwon Lee:
“The setting for The Scandal is based on the Chosun Dynasty—represented by the strictest code of ethics and the most conservative people in Korean history. The movie is a classic historical drama but features an exceptional, modern storyline and visuals. It challenges a popular concept, that traditionalism is identical to conventionalism, by focusing on the underlying desire for sensual pleasure among the higher classes. Against this backdrop, the visuals present bold, sophisticated and modern concepts.
“As the creator of the official site, we were excited by the opportunity to experiment with new media and to use images that are traditionally Korean without the association of antiquated ideas.
“In order to capture the overall tone of the movie, while also supporting the key visuals, we had to figure out what Korean identity was expressed in the movie. The theme was critical to the development of the entire site and would be integrated into every page and transformed into various expressions. It was not an easy job; we agonized over how to accomplish it.
“Finally, there was a turning point. We happened upon images from the movie and while marveling at the beauty of embroidered clothing, luxuriously engraved furniture, traditional signatures on paintings and various calligraphies, we also realized that they were beautifully ‘Korean,’ and sophisticated at the same time. It was time to start our work.
“We shared thoughts and initial ideas with each other on how to incorporate the images into our interface. Eventually, interactive content was created to guide users, provide them with a firsthand relationship with each character and maximize their experience.”