“In 2015, the United States Department of the Treasury announced its first-ever social media campaign, which invited the public to send in their ideas around the first bill to feature a woman. The new $10 bill intended to celebrate women’s equality in the United States, but women in America are still far from equal as they’re paid much less than men for the same work. Seeing an opportunity to hijack the conversation, the American Association of University Women submitted its own redesign within a few days of the announcement—one that represented what women’s equality in America really looks like by remaking the bill to be accurate. Instead of a woman’s face on a $10 bill, we created a woman’s face on a bill worth $7.8, indicating the wage gap. The video showed the illustrated bill with a call to action demanding real change. As we hoped for, the topic of pay equity immediately took over the #TheNew10 conversation. Instead of garnering design ideas and celebratory conversation with their hashtag as intended, the treasury got image after image of our altered bill and our video demanding real change.”