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John Fiebke/Tim Mattimore, creative directors
Bob Guisgand, executive creative director
Linus Karlsson, worldwide creative director
Gary Pascoe, chief creative officer
Tracy Aronoff, strategic planner
Kelly Balagna, executive agency producer
Commonwealth//McCann, ad agency
Joseph Van Marcke, Chevrolet, client

“Malibu was given a new space to advertise—in theaters, with the unique position of airing right up against the previews. So we thought, ‘Let’s start the previews with us.’ To do that, we made a real horror movie trailer with real horror movie director Sam Raimi. We’ve all watched horror movies, wishing we could stop an actor from walking into an obviously bad situation. And with this spot, that’s exactly what we do. The protagonist finally listens to frantic audience shouts and avoids certain doom. All from a car that can do the same: warn you before bad things happen.”


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