“Instagram recently released a new update that changed the way people post on the app. It now allows full-size portrait and landscape pictures—a huge change for a platform that started the square photography trend. This feature change needed to be displayed in a way that would make a huge impact. Our insight: Viewing an uncropped photograph reveals details that can completely change the image’s meaning. And who better to impart this idea than Paralympic athletes? With this new feature, we see the whole picture, allowing the athletes to show people who they really are with more space to display their victories. Within three days of the feature’s release, we launched this campaign to spread awareness of the Paralympic athletes using Instagram’s new feature as an innovative medium. Their spirit looks admirable in a square, but when viewing the whole image and seeing what they have overcome, it lends a whole new level of respect. Within a few days, we were featured on Business Insider and were shared by the International Paralympic Committee. Hector Picard, the famous adaptive triathlete, author and motivational speaker, also shared the campaign, which also began to get press on Amsterdam-based Metro News, Homegrown, and several other news publications from Russia, Germany, France, India and the Netherlands—totaling 60 million impressions.”