"Prison Spending" :30
(Montage shots of a run-down institutional building)
Anncr. (VO): This year, nearly 50 billion dollars will be spent on prisons.
Legal Super: Education & Incarceration by B. Western, V. Schiraldie & J. Zeidenberg Pgs 3-5, 8.28.03.
(Cut to stairwell and corridor)
Anncr. (VO): This money will help pay for new computer work stations, better libraries and state of the art fitness centers.
(Cuts to shots of shower floor, stairwell, lockers, drinking fountain)
Anncr. (VO): Unfortunately, this isn't a prison, it's a school.
Super: This year, school budgets will be cut by 6 billion dollars.
Legal Super: Based on proposed FY2004 Federal funding for Title 1 of K-12 No Child Left Behind Act.
Title: Will we ever learn?
Logo: Youth Leadership Institute www.yli.org