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Celine Faledam/Rachel Guest, associate creative directors
Damien Eley, executive creative director
Rob Henry, editor
Dave Horowitz, production manager
Iman Forde, project director
Bastard/m ss ng p eces, production companies
The Many, ad agency
Discover Los Angeles, client

“Shortly after President Trump first proposed his 2017 travel ban, America was beginning to seem like a most unwelcome place. During this culturally relevant moment, Discover Los Angeles and The Many tackled Washington’s misrepresentation with a powerful message of inclusion, assuring the world that Los Angeles was still the welcoming place it had always been. With the help of hundreds of Angeleno volunteers, The Many created a human-powered billboard visible to incoming international flights touching down at Los Angeles International Airport. The message was simple: in Los Angeles, ‘Everyone is Welcome.’”


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