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Elizabeth Levin, art director
Adam Wagner, writer
Lixaida Lorenzo, creative director
Scott Harris, executive creative director
Kristin “KB” Busk, strategist
Christian Jacobsen, strategy
Ryan Duggan/Moises Jimenez, animators
Jack Zegarski, producer
Berna Dikicioglu, project manager
Bastard, production company
The Many, ad agency
Qdoba Mexican Eats, client

“For more than a decade, Qdoba single-handedly owned the queso space without any major challengers. But when its biggest competitor launched a new queso of its own, The Many tapped into organic conversations on social media to create #TheirWordsNotOurs, a new kind of trolling campaign where consumers’ opinions about the competition were used as a foil to demonstrate positive sentiment around our own brand.”


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