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Jérôme Bajulaz, art director
Simon Blaquière, writer
Jonathan Rouxel, executive creative director
Charles Beaulieu/Alix Boivin, managers of media services
Claude-Antoine Guibord/Frank Lam, editors
Jean-François Lord, director of photography
Pierre Dalpé, director
Pascal Desjardins, sound engineer
Annick d’Auteuil/Guillaume Vallée, producers
Benoit Côté, colorist
Morrison Films, production company
Bleublancrouge, ad agency
Toyota Québec, client

“Two truths about millennials: they skip ads on YouTube all the time, and they really resent having to depend on their parents for lifts. This reality proved to be the jumping-off point for Skip Dad, a humorous web-only campaign that targets a generation with a natural aversion to advertising. How? By introducing the tantalizing idea of getting their own ride and avoid having embarrassing and awkward conversations with their parents. The pre-roll ad, which demonstrated our understanding of millennials, was broadcast on several dedicated sites in addition to YouTube.”


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