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Jim Connolly, BBDO New York, associate creative director
Roberto Danino/Gary du Toit/Bianca Guimaraes/Lance Vining, BBDO New York, creative directors
Greg Hahn/David Lubars, BBDO New York, chief creative officers
Crystal Lin/Karin Santiago, BBDO New York, strategists
Dexter Blumenthal, BBDO New York, senior brand strategist
Alex Massicott/Jimmy McGee/Nick Russo, BBDO New York, developers
Sloan Alexander, Human, engineer
Chris Angel/Jeff Lopus, Arcade Edit, assistant editors
Paul Martinez, Arcade Edit, editor
Paul Meyers, Sanctuary, director of photography
Cole Webley, Sanctuary/Carrie White, BBDO New York, directors
Lindsey Cash, BBDO New York, executive director
Human, music
Sloan Alexander/Sloan Alexander, Human, composers
Fanny Cruz, Arcade Edit/Alexandra Lubrano, Company 3, producers
Noah Thomason, Sanctuary, line producer
Riccardo Sinti, Arcade Edit, visual effects producer
Kristen Bedard-Johnson, Sanctuary/Jessica Coccaro, BBDO New York/Preston Lee, Sanctuary/Ashley McKim, Company 3/Sila Soyer, Arcade Edit/James Dean Wells, Human/James Young, BBDO New York, executive producers
David Rolfe, BBDO New York, integrated production director
Company 3, Telecine and visual effects director
Mark Popham/Tristian Wake, Arcade Edit, Flame artists
Tom Poole, Company 3, colorist
Arcade Edit, editorial company
Sanctuary, production company
Dini von Mueffling Communications/Daniel Lempert/Dini von Mueffling, publishers
BBDO New York, ad agency
Monica Lewinsky, client

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