Stance, an indie sock brand, wanted to launch limited edition Star Wars socks on an even more limited budget, at the height of the new movie’s marketing hype, all while big-box retailers were launching their own comarketing efforts. We created Shop With The Force, a first-of-its-kind e-commerce activation that enabled users to browse and buy movie-themed socks by just waving their hand like a true Jedi master. We also turned 20 tickets to an elite Star Wars: The Force Awakens launch party into a custom hologram invite inspired by Leia’s message to Obi-Wan. Lastly, we re-created iconic scenes from the original Star Wars trilogy using Stance socks and posted the best ‘Sock Wars’ scenes on Instagram. As a result, Stance launched this hypertargeted campaign to turn Star Wars fans into Stance shoppers. The campaign was an instant internet sensation, and Stance had its biggest sales day ever.