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Caleb Halter/Dylan Mulvaney, designers
Dylan Mulvaney, art director
Ryan Moore, executive creative director
Daniel Clark/Brandon Kennedy/Drake Miller/Ken Tanabe, animators
Eli Mavros/Bill Saunders, editors
Haley Klatzkin/Penny Mailander, project managers
Dina Chang, production manager
Gretel, design firm
VICE Media Group, client

“A big part of translating the VICE sensibility into a television brand meant getting out of the way of VICE’s greatest brand asset—the content. Our job was to punctuate the imagery, to set off the picture. The generic, undesigned aesthetic and voice throw the focus back on the content. A deliberate counterpoint to most network brands, VICELAND is unpolished, raw and functional. In developing the identity for VICELAND, all work originated from the core cultural tension between high and low. Our solution: ‘The Unbrand.’ A system equal parts exhibition catalog and street yer, Craigslist and couture, generic and refined. It is simultaneously the elevated ‘high’ and the vernacular ‘low.’ A translation of the VICE sensibility, it’s blunt and raw—an exposed structure, a functional language free of decoration, artifice and veneer. Unstyled, unslick, unadorned.”


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