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Richard Gray, art director
Doug Wilkinson, 3-D designer
Joe Mullen, creative director
Ryan Honey, executive creative director
Alex Ceglia, animator
Solana Braun/Kaitlyn Mahoney/Emily Rickard/Nick Terzich, producers
Maurie Enochson, executive producer
Cody Ross/Danielle Suarez, production managers
Buck, design firm
Tinder, client

“Invention of Together” 1:15
“Tinder wanted a brand spot that was about people coming together. So we looked at the history of relationships throughout mankind and how they’ve changed, creating a humorous spot that shifts the focus from the tech-driven app to our Darwinian need for human connection. In 75 seconds, we see the simple beginnings of coupling before human ‘civilization’ made things all complicated with strict rules, arranged marriage, religious objections and societal divides. Tinder is breaking down those barriers and bringing it back to what it’s all about. For maximum tactility, we used 3-D characters and practical sets. The result is a world you want to roll around in—in the buff.”


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