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PORTO ROCHA, design firm
Melissa, client

“We were invited to design the visual identity for fashion brand Melissa’s Flygrl collection. As one of Brazil’s most well-known and beloved shoe brands, Melissa was motivated by the desire to inspire girls to continue breaking out of prescribed gender molds. The collection’s visual identity was developed to showcase a diverse spectrum of self-expression, whether it be traditionally ‘feminine,’ gender-neutral, irreverent, ‘tomboy’ or anything in between. Flygrl presents an exciting opportunity to uplift less visible perspectives and possibilities, especially given Melissa’s wide reach across the entirety of Brazil, from its major cities to tiny towns.

“We vitalized this sense of liberation by juxtaposing elements that do not typically belong together, creating a sense of tension and contrast through a strong visual language that permeated all aspects of the campaign including e-commerce, social media, its own magazine and even a 1,100-square-foot typographic installation.”


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