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Regis Biron/Holly Copeland, designers
Andy Rader, lead designer
Scott Dasse/Mike Swartz, creative directors
Beatrice Huang, developer
Mike Burns, technical lead
Jenny Mackintosh, producer
Upstatement, project design and development
Harvard University Graduate School of Design, client

“The Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD) is a global leader in design and design research, and we’re honored that it trusted Upstatement to reimagine how it exists on the web. Before beginning work on the user interface or anything the public would see, our engineering team worked with the GSD to make its information systems more accessible to the web. We built an API and management layer that combines its many back-end systems, from courses to people, events, projects, media and resources. The result is a content-forward approach to a university site that positions the GSD as a global center of thought leadership in design as well as a top-tier educator. The site unlocks the GSD’s creativity and showcases its ideas and community in an inspiring and approachable way, while the new set of back-end tools and a data layer can be used beyond the website. We built an API that houses student work, news and other content so outside websites or apps can use and aggregate that content.”


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