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Spencer Dingle/David Théroux, art directors
Philippe Brassard/Jordan Hamer, writers
Craig McIntosh/Jaimes Zentil, executive creative directors
Peter Ignazi/Carlos Moreno, chief creative officers
Corey Way, designer
Oleg Portnoy, senior designer
Cossette, ad agency
Hope Bagozzi/Antoinette Benoit/Solange Bernard/Chuck Coolen, McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited, clients

“This is one of the best examples of what happens when creatives think beyond the brief. It started with a simple sketch that dissected the most recognizable brand logo in the world, and became a universal wayfinding system with minimal colors and text. Each day, millions of people in more than 120 countries see the golden arches on the side of the road, directing them to the nearest McDonald’s location.”


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