Dorian Coureau/
Simon-Charles Couture/
Alexandre Jutras, art directors
Philippe Brassard/
Thibaut Delelis/
David Purkis/
François-Julien Rainville, writers
Anne-Claude Chénier/
Geneviève Duquette/
Barbara Jacques, creative directors
Don Loga/
Christian Tremblay, photographers
Anna Goodson/
Sébastien Thibault, illustrators
Florence Girard-Leblanc, project manager
Olivier Charbonneau, project director
Hugo Fournier, strategic planner
Geneviève Cabana-Proulx, producer
SOMA, production service company
Cossette, ad agency
Amnesty International French Canada, client
“Since 2011, Cossette has worked with Amnesty International French Canada to raise awareness around Write for Rights, a global initiative in observance of International Human Rights Day that sends millions of letters to the persecuted to encourage government officials to release the imprisoned and end other human rights violations. Human rights issues can often feel very far from our day-to-day realities, but supporters can change someone’s life by simply picking up a pen—or, in our case, a pencil.”