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Radouane Guissi/Chelsea Steiger, art directors
Radouane Guissi, writer
Pat Scola, director of photography
Matt Welch, Flame artist
Kyle Brown, editor
EXILE, editorial company
Hayley Simpson, casting
Colin Alexander, sound designer/audio mixer
Andrew Bruntel, director
Ben Walsh, visual effects designer
Mira Cho/Laura Francis, stylists
Robert Fox, production designer
Shawn Loh, producer
Amanda Van Caneghem, agency producer
Lana Kim/Jett Steiger, executive producers
Scott Boyajan/Pip Malon, visual effects producers
Ways & Means, production company
Method Studios, visual effects company
FRED & FARID Los Angeles, ad agency
Joe Hobbs, Fridays for Future, client

“Our House is on Fire” :60
“According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we are less than twelve years away from not being able to undo our mistakes as it relates to climate change. This film for global climate strike movement Fridays for Future portrays a family in their morning routine, acting as if everything is normal despite fires burning all around their house. The campaign was inspired by a famous quote from Greta Thunberg, the founder of Fridays for Future. During her speech at the 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, she said, ‘I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.’ At the same event the following year, Thunberg repeated her plea: ‘Our house is still on fire. Your inaction is fueling the flames by the hour.’ Fridays for Future launched the film during an unprecedented 24-hour climate change livestream, featuring countries from all around the world.”


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