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Dorota Pankowska, art director
Justin Santelli, writer
Joel Holtby/Jake Lim, creative directors
Mike Dubrick, executive creative director
Aaron Starkman, chief creative officer
Erin Struble, designer
Maya Visnyei, photographer
Lisa Hordyk, retoucher
Leigh O’Neill, editor
Vapor Music, music company
Claudia Bianchi, stylist
Brad Kumar, production designer
Shereen Ladha/Sean McDonald/Stacy Ross, strategists
Narine Artinian/Nicole Gomez/Todd Harrison/Spencer Houghton/Sara Melvin, producers
Fuze Reps, production company
R+D Productions, post-production company
Rethink, ad agency
IKEA Canada, client

“To help reduce food waste in the home, IKEA created The ScrapsBook, a cookbook dedicated to recipes made with the bits of food you usually waste. Made in collaboration with ten chefs from across North America, the book featured 50 unique scrap-based recipes. It was sustainably produced in a limited pressing for IKEA Family members while a free e-book version was distributed and downloaded across the globe.”


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