Robert Bruce/
Suzanne Dyer, Nuke, animators
Audrey Davis, art director
Michael Hirst, writer
Adam Carboni/
Khalid Mohtaseb, directors of photography
Danny Morris/
Westley Sarokin, artists
Vince Baertsoen/
Sandor Toledo/
Rubem Vanderbroek/
Olivier Vartisteressian, 3-D modeling
Nick Midwig, digital imaging
Ryan McKenna/
The Mill, editors
Rama Allen/
Johan Renck, directors
Westley Sarokin, visual effects supervisor
Damien Van Der Cruyssen, colorist
Linette Delmonico/
Jacqueline Valenca, stylists
Rich Schwab, line producer
Danielle Amaral, production supervisor
Bill Goddard, producer
Michael Hirst/
Sheila Hockin/
Morgan O’Sullivan, executive producers
Take 5 Productions, production company
The Mill, visual effects company/post-production company