"AT&T Broadband was having some issues with customer service. They were fighting the perception of being a big, lethargic, uncaring company. Our task was to help make then more approachable while promoting their entertainment packages. Casting was everything for this spot. When we locked in the talent for the elderly gentleman, we knew we were golden" said Joe Paprocki, "Arguably the hardest part of the whole shoot was getting wild sounds of grandpa moaning while struggling to get out of the chair." "Grandpa" :30(Open on a medium shot of a middle class living room. We see the top half of an older gentleman’s head rising up from the bottom of the frame. He appears to be straining to lift his head higher)SFX: Sounds of old man grunting and groaning.(Cut to series of tighter shots of him struggling to stand up from his recliner)SFX: Sound of people chanting from off camera. Go. Go. Go. Go….."(Cut to wider shot to see a family of four sitting on a sofa and cheering the old man on as he struggles to stand. He finally makes it fully upright as the family stands to applaud him)Anncr. (VO): Looking for quality family entertainment? Sign up now for AT&T digital cable and high-speed Internet and receive free local phone service. (Cut to art card: Free local phone with Internet and local cable. AT&T Broadband logo and phone number)Anncr. (VO): AT&T Broadband. Family entertainment for the whole family.(Cut back to grandpa chugging coffee from a cup)SFX: Family chanting… Chug! Chug! Chug!