"Once a year Wink takes on a pro-bono project for a cause they genuinely believe in, humorously dubbed ‘the get outta hell free card.’ The most recent example is this fundraising catalog for YouthLink, a company that works with homeless youths." Anne Supplee, Youthlink community relations manager, adds, "Our criteria included that we couldn't identify the youth we work with, didn't want to use photos or any images that were race or culture specific, that we needed to collect everything from diapers for the teen moms, to hats and mittens, to art supplies, to smoking cessation materials, to birth control! The biggest priority was that we wanted people to feel compassion, but not pity for the youth we work with. Wink was able to take a bunch of disconnected ideas, programs, stories and needs and create a finished product that was not only beautiful to look at, but also compassionate, compelling and successful in raising donations for our agency."