Ameritrade TV commercial. "Shooting both film and stills and combining with stock imagery, DK created a flipbook visual armature heightened by a Philip Glass original score. The staccato visual cadence was juxtaposed to an animated Ameritrade 'interface' to symbolizing the ease, accuracy and autonomy of online trading." "QuoteScope" :30(Imagine a futuristic, virtual Rolodex, with a near-infinite number of images. These spots animate by flipping, like you’re moving through a vast digital catalogue of images and keywords. Stock photo images and/or screen-grabs on the left and key words on the right. The "search" appears incredibly fast, and yet even the barely visible images and clips reveal parts of the Ameritrade universe. Both sides animate together in counterpoint. A blur, as images flip past quickly. An image locks. And then a keyword. Both halves working to drive home important points made in the voice over. Opens with 21st-century trading mnemonic. Ameritrade tee pee bottom right corner of the screen, stays on screen till end of ad. Split screen horizontally. Selection of imagery, based on the themes of "vision" and "circularity," work to communicate what the voice over is describing, either literally or figuratively. "Flip clock" highlights key words: Vision, QuoteScope™, Level II, One click)Anncr. (VO): 21st century trading is all about vision. Can you clearly see what the market is doing? Can you clearly see what the market is doing? Now, watch Level II data like never before. Spot current trends. And trade with one click. All for just $10.99 per Internet equity trade. It's the 21st Century. Trade like it on our new Web site. Join Ameritrade today and get 30 commission-free Internet equity trades.Super: Get 30 commission-free Internet equity trades.Title card: card: LEGAL: Market volatility, volume and system availability may delay account access and trade executions. Real-time access subject to exchange agreements. Subscription fees apply to Nasdaq Level II access. New account offer valid through xx/xx/xx. Minimum funding required. Restrictions apply. This is not an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to do business. Ameritrade, Inc., member SIPC.