Elizabeth Fee, Natalie Kitamura Design, senior designer
David K Gibson, Dystacorp Light Industries, writer
Natalie Kitamura, creative director
Digital Studio/
Tom Tracy, Tom Tracy Photography, photographers
Apex Die, Cenveo/
Cordell Engraving, Cenveo, Cenveo/
Allen Strohmeier, production companies
Natalie Kitamura Design (Sausalito, CA), design firm
Bill Reed, New Leaf Paper, client
"New Leaf Paper and Cenveo approached us to create a direct mail piece to announce the new paper line called Primavera. The mission of New Leaf Paper is to be the leading national source for environmentally responsible, economically sound paper. Because their paper is affordable, more people have access to an environmental paper option. We needed to showcase the printing capabilities of the paper and illustrate in simplified terms how Primavera could have a directly positive effect on the environment. The target audience was print buyers of corporations and design agencies. What better way to drive home the environmental impact message than to compare brochure quantities with saving trees," said Natalie Kitamura. "Cenveo played a key role in the project by putting together a team of engravers, die cutters and photographers to help us illustrate how versatile the paper could be. Our team goal was to have each of us use this piece as a marketing tool. We created separate cards so that Cenveo and NKD could showcase the relationship with New Leaf as well as our own capabilities and execute our own mailings."