"The new ClearRx system features a flat surface so patients can get all their vital information at a glance without turning the bottle. The new flat label allows for information to be presented in a clear and intuitive hierarchy with the name of the drug printed in big and bold letters at the top of the bottle. On the back of the bottle, warning and instructional icons have been updated with the new ClearRx system. For example, warnings about potential drowsiness or dizziness and taking medications while pregnant among others are now communicated with far more intuitive icons. The addition of color rings will help eliminate confusion among family members. Each family member can be assigned a particular color. Available in six different primary colors, they attach securely to the neck of the bottle to provide another line of defense against someone mistakenly taking the wrong medication. The new ClearRx labeling system provides easy reading of the medication name from any angle, including the top of the bottle shown here. The ClearRx system was conceived by Deborah Adler in association with Target. Industrial designer Klaus Rosburg collaborated with Ms. Adler and Target in the design of the inverted bottle. Illustrator Milton Glaser partnered with Ms. Adler and Target in the creation of the warning icons," said the company.