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Dave Peterson, art director
Jenny Shears, writer
Tim Ives, director of photography
Brett Astor, Fischer Edit, editor
Matthew Badger, director
Aldo Hertz, agency producer
Epoch Films, production company
Peterson Milla Hooks (Minneapolis, MN), ad agency
"The Design For All TV spot was a chance for us to bring design—from the simple Post-It note to highly-touted designer goods—to life. We set out to not only show how beautiful great design is, but each vignette also explores a benefit or value to the design. The campaign has been inspiring to us as well, reminding everyone who's worked on it just how amazing something as simple as a Band-Aid is, or what an impact something like a Michael Graves teapot can make on our surroundings and our lives," said Dave Peterson, creative director."Design For All—Anthem" :60Sound: Audio track is an edit of the song "Say Something New" by The Concretes. Music plays throughout.Super: target.com/designforall(Open on a man in a gallery, affixing Post-it notes to a large canvas. Pull back to see that it spells out DESIGN. Cut to an image of a flower, it then becomes a bowl with the flower bloom in the center) Super: Design Inspires(Cut to an egg and a chicken in the background, the egg rolls away to reveal a Graves eggtimer)Super: Design Inspires(A man is in a room with a curved coffeemaker. Camera reveals the architecture of the home mimics the curve of the coffeemaker)Super: Design Shapes(A woman walks across the front of a house, standing lights turn on one by one as she passes by)Super: Design Shines(A man holds a flashlight, he turns the flashlight up to shine it under his chin)Super: Design Shines(Close-up of a woman's face. She turns to look at the camera then closes her eyes)Super: Design Shines(A girl is lying on the floor, finishing her Lego flowers. She looks up as camera cuts to wide to reveal that she is under a giant Lego tree)Super: Design Creates(A flower opens onscreen, cut to a girl in a bed with flower pattern Simply Shabby Chic bedding)Super: Design Transforms(A guy in the foreground with a house behind him. He holds up a radio in the shape of the house and looks at the camera. Shot of three Slinkys moving at different speeds on a white background)Super: Design Moves(Interior of an art museum, an older man stops to contemplate a painting of dots. Four hands on a white background reach up and grab spinning Oxo utensils)Super: Design Fits(Close up of a clown fish, pull back to reveal that it's in a plastic baggie)Super: Design Protects(Young boy lifts his elbows to camera to show Band-Aids covering scrapes)Super: Design Protects(Close up of rows of Q-tips. Camera pans up to reveal a girl lying on a bed of Q-tips)Super: Design Comforts(Four girls in white suits are walking in a fashion show. They pause and their suits turn to pink)Super: Design Colors(Three people, each with a different color iPod strapped to the arm are in profile. They turn to look at camera. A dad is carrying a baby in a Baby Bjorn. The mother leans down to kiss the baby)Super: Design Unites(The gentleman in the art gallery goes up to the painting, removes one of the 'dots’ [a stool], sits down on it and looks at the camera)Super: Design for AllSuper: Target bullseye logo with "Expect More. Pay Less."Super: The Bullseye Design is a registered trademark of Target Brands, Inc.Singer: And all the things…I had in mind for you and me. Well say something new…say something new…something new. Something you do…something you do…something you do. Well say something new, say something new…about…you…about you…about you."

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