"This spot was originally created for Spanish stations in Denver. When the client saw it, they decided to run it, still in Spanish, on Fox Sports and ESPN. We are very grateful to Andres Cantor (the distinctive voice of World Cup Soccer) who cut his rate considerably because he liked the spot, and to Kiki Vandeweghe, the general manager of the Nuggets, who agreed with us that it made sense to embrace a sport that may have more appeal than basketball to many Hispanic sports fans." ”Goal” :tk(Open on Andre Miller talking trash)Announcer (VO): Andre Miller jugando y hablando como no si fuera intimidado por la visita de los Lakers al Pepsi Center. En este momento en latemporada el tiene que creer que los Nuggets pueden jugar concualquier equipo en la liga.Announcer (VO): Kobe Bryant con un pase enlodado a Gary Payton y estáMiller con un robe bueno (empezando a sonar excitado) y un pase a unabierto Carmelo Anthony.(Show Carmelo dunking)SFX: Crazy stadium type cheering and applause.Announcer: (shouting) Gooooalllll, Gooaalll, Goooaalllll, Goooaalllll.Camera Card: Para Boletos 303.830.8497