"The 'First Things Next' feature was a follow-up story about the controversial 1964 manifesto resurrected in 1999 and championed by Adbusters to the design community and beyond. James Labounty created conceptual photographs that referenced a line in the subhead that read '...a new kind of meaning.' James fashioned everyday objects into symbols that resembled the ones used by former art director Chris Dixon in his original 'First Things First' feature layout. I had been asked by editor Kalle Lasn to redesign Adbusters to look more like a 'magazine' than a 'free-for-all' and so I created a design that used a very formal grid and just two typefaces. Very thin rules had been brought in to help structure columns and navigation elements, and it seemed appropriate to use them in each of the features. I redrew a disassembled cosmetics box and used it to house the various display text elements."