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Andy Macaulay/Jackie Powell, art directors
Elspeth Lynn/Lorraine Tao, creative directors
John Mastromonaco, director
Janet Woods, agency producer
Untitled, production company
zig, ad agency
Breast Cancer Society, client

TV spot for the Breast Cancer Society. "We knew the majority of women under 40 didn't check their breasts regularly. We were two of them. We asked ourselves, 'What would motivate us?' We decided to avoid scare tactics, fear was not the emotion we wanted to elicit. We tried humor instead to reinforce self-testing as a 'normal' task that everyone does. We also tried to use psychology to our advantage," said Lorraine Tao. "When a woman feels overwhelmed, she values an offer of help. But when the offer of help is to do something she knows she should be doing herself, she will protest and happily do it herself. The spot created some controversy, leading the news on several stations and becoming the subject of many call-in shows. Many of the women who wrote or called in claimed it inspired them to self-test." “Cam” :30 (Open on Cam, a late teens, attractive, likable guy, in his parents' living room talking to the camera) Cam: (Speaking earnestly) Are you too busy to do your own monthly breast self-exam? Unsure of the right technique? My name is Cam and I'd like to help. Let me examine your breasts for you, absolutely free. I'm highly trained and highly motivated, so call the number on your screen. (1-800-RING-CAM flashes on the screen) Call takers are standing by. (Cut to a shot of three of Cam's buddies waiting behind a single phone) Cam: So put your breasts in my hands. Let Cam do your breast exam. Super: They're your breasts. You do it. (Cut to shot of Cam's buddies motioning eagerly for viewers to call) Super: Examine yourself monthly. Logo: Breast Cancer Society of Canada


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