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Sheri Hachey/Stephen Leps/Lynn Sivec/Aaron Starkman, art directors
Elspeth Lynn/Lorraine Tao, creative directors
Wade Sherman, director
Amanda Loughran, agency producer
Spy Films, production company
zig, ad agency
Bullystoppers com, client

Bullystoppers.com television commercial. "We're big fans of using humor in spots-especially PSAs. But after coming across Hamed Nastoh's story, we got emotional. Then we got mad. We wanted people to know exactly what happened. So we told the true story of a boy who filled his bag with rocks and ended his own life," said Aaron Starkman. "To give it the impact we first felt, we told the story through a misdirect. The title of the spot is 'collecting rocks.' Which in essence, is all Hamed should've been doing on that day." “Collecting rocks” :30 (Open on a fourteen-year-old boy walking home from school with his knapsack. He stops and thoughtfully considers some rocks along a riverbed. He picks some up and deposits them in his knapsack. Closer to the river, he finds more rocks. It seems like he's become a bit of a collector. He stops once his knapsack is full. Cut to the boy walking up some stairs. Naturally the knapsack is heavy) Super: (on black) On March 11, 2000, Hamed Nastoh stopped other kids from making fun of him. (Cut to the boy standing on top of a high bridge over the river. He stretches out his arms… Super: Words can kill. Super: www.bullystoppers.com


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