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Amee Shah, art director
Kevin Roddy, creative director
Julien Lutz, director
Lisa Setten, producer
HSI Productions, production company
Viral video for Smirnoff Raw Tea. "The strategy for the Smirnoff Raw Tea launch was simply, 'tea with attitude.' And since the product was to initially be launched in the northeast during the peak months of summer, we had to define what 'tea with attitude' meant to those people summering on Nantucket and in the Hamptons," said writer Matt Ian. "The result? 'Join The Tea Partay': a preppy gangsta—or 'prepsta' movement revolving around Smirnoff Raw Tea. This viral music video featuring six WASPs rapping about trust funds, Topsiders and Smirnoff Raw Tea has been seen by almost 2 million viewers all over the world, after only two months."

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