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Rob Sweetman, art director
Rob Tarry, writer
Glen Wilson, editor
Wave Audio Productions, sound design
Michael Downing, director
Jacqueline Burgmann, agency producer
Radke Films, production company
JMB Post, post-production company
Science World TV spot. "After sifting through roughly a billion science facts, we narrowed it down to those we found interesting, educational and, most difficult of all, true. Once we learned shaking hands spreads more germs than kissing, it was a quick leap to this script. We aimed for a tone that was bland and understated: business people acting as though this was just another day at the office, complete with banal chit-chat and lame corporate humor. Keeping it realistic highlights how hand-shaking is part of everyday life. If only we knew. Well, now you know. Who wants a kiss?" “Boardroom” :30(Open in a well-appointed corporate boardroom. A man and a woman in business suits await the arrival of colleagues… Two men and women enter)Corporate Guy: Ah, Ted. Perfect timing. You remember Annette.Ted: Of course.(They share a passionate kiss) Annette: And you must be Jeffries.(They kiss deeply) Jeffries: Pleasure. This is Linda from accounting.(She kisses the Corporate Guy. They break the embrace)Corporate Guy: Ted you old Phi Beta Kappa dog! How’s the golf game?(The women kiss. The men kiss)Super: Shaking hands spreads more germs than kissing.Businessman: So… doesn’t really feel like Tuesday does it?SFX: Fake corporate laugh.Logo: Science World. We can explain.

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