"Beneath the classic Victorian ceiling of Oslo's former railway station is a room of glass where, amongst many hundreds of points of light, visitors find glowing portraits of all the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. This is the Nobel Field, the centerpiece of the new Nobel Peace Center, a virtual garden grown from one hundred LCD displays planted among a thousand twinkling blades of LED grass,” said creative director David Small. “Each display honors the winner of a Peace Prize and reacts to the approach of a person, revealing the winner's story and philosophy. Directed by Grete Jarmund and Paul H. Amble, the Nobel Field was an extensive collaboration between the architects Adjaye/Associates, Small Design Firm and Timon Botez. From its conception, the Nobel Peace Center aimed to be the realization of a new kind of museum, one in which the message and words of the Nobel Laureates become both content and artifact." © Timothy Soar