From top left, left to right: Kookaburra (cigarette paper tubes), Kookaburra Cigarette Paper Tube Mfg. Co., Sydney, 1931.QANTAS, Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd. In late 1946, QANTAS developed the winged kangaroo to replace the QANTAS Empire Airways symbol. After the Government takeover of QANTAS in 1947, the flying Kangaroo was maintained and developed into the current international QANTAS symbol. Gumlypta (chemical substances for agricultural and veterinary uses), Gillard Gordon Ltd, Sydney, 1919. Vegemite (vegetable and yeast extract), Fred Walker & Co. Pty Ltd, Melbourne, 1923.Aussie (hat), The Pikedale Soldiers Settlement Co-op. Canning, Jam & Preserving Co. Ltd, Amiens, Queensland, 1921.PPP Annihilator (rabbit destroyer), Rucker & Mackenzie, Melbourne, 1896. Aussie (pianos and organs), National Trustees of Executors and Agency Co. of Australasia Ltd, Melbourne, 1924.Platypus (foods), C. E. Mann, Adelaide, 1921.Dinkum Digger (knitting wool), The Myer Emporium Ltd, Melbourne, 1939.Umbrella, Webster & Co., Melbourne, 1898.Kangaroo (velocipedes), Robert Lascelles & Co., Melbourne, 1896.