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Jake Blumenau, art director
Kim Mok, writer
Kat Choi, senior designer
Ron Lent/Mark Radcliffe, associate creative directors
Arturo Aranda/JoonYong Park, creative directors
Andreas Combuechen, chief creative officer
Josh Dreier/Wes Grubs, programmers
Lorenzo Colasante, information architect
Claes Kallarsson, photographer
Jackie Brito/Ivan Corsa/Carrie Sampson, agency producers
Dan LaCivita, executive producer
Atmosphere BBDO, ad agency
AT&T, client
"LOL. TTYL. BFF. OMG. BTW. Why abbreviate?! Say what's really on your mind with AT&T's full keyboard phones. To promote two new full keyboard phones from AT&T, we partnered with Atmosphere BBDO to create a UGC site promoted from online advertising to prime-time TV spots. Users are invited to sift through the most popular abbreviations, see what people from around the world have to say about them, then choose an abbreviation, type in what it means to them and submit it to the site. In addition to the interactive orb showcasing all the submissions, users could view product details on both phones and share the site with their favorite social communities."

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