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Hing Chiu/Wendy Lam, designers
Seni Limpoon, senior designer
Alison Guyard/Alina Lagarde, graphic designers
Chantal Réchaussat, art director
Grischa Rueschendorf, photographer
Ada Hung, project manager
Marc Brulhart, project director
Simmons Bedding & Furniture (HK) Ltd, client
"In order to connect with Generation X, Simmons called on us to inject an ounce of modernity into six out of eight retail shops across Hong Kong. Just as the décor in one's house is a reflection of taste and culture, we created a personality for each mattress and housed it in a unique space, which resonates with the mattress' personality. Beside each mattress sits a night table along with various accessories projecting the comfort of the home. With a system of curvaceous shelving units and wall-pockets, we softened the space and integrated the displayed mattresses seamlessly."

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